Thursday, January 13, 2011

Indian Airport, Mumbai

The last flight went fairly well- I napped, slept off whatever sort of stomach upset I was experiencing, and ate part of the vegetarian tofu or cheese something meal that was served on the plane.

Our situation started to go bad, however when our group was split into two while going through customs. The other group ended up exiting the airport, and was not allowed to return, so they were forced to take taxis to the next terminal, as it was 5 km away. The rest of us were then very delayed as we waited for the others to show up. We also experienced difficulty later on as we did not have boarding passes to get to the shuttle to take us to our terminal. As a result, we had to show the armed military figures that were guarding the door our itineraries and passports, and they eventually let us pass. While boarding the shuttle however, our already split group was split once again, and Nihal was separated from six of us; plus our itineraries showed that our plane was supposed to leave at two different times: 5:35 am or 9:00 am.

I think it was about this time that I started panicking. Airports terrify me as it is, and this trip is certainly not changing my mind. I was about ready to call the travel agent myself, which I am still considering doing. Even with the difficulties though, our group was reunited, we obtained actual boarding passes and now we are having breakfast before we get on the plane.

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